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Top 10 Drinking Songs.
Takin' Care of Bullshit: 420.
BK Quad Stacker.
Doug Benson's Weed.
5 Phrases.
Sports: Edwin Valero
"Top Dogg" by Mad Repekt.
5 Phrases
Each person writes 5 phrases that the other host must work into the conversation. Here are this week's phrases:
Pete's List For Brent
1) Doug Benson's weed is awesome.
2) I give that song 4 out of 10 reach-arounds.
3) Fuck. I have baby oil in my beer.
4) I feel like we need another beer bong.
5) Having globis is pretty tits.
Brent's List For Pete
1) Good thing I'm gay for the next 3 hours.
2) Is it my fault if I can't afford soup?
3) Holocaust? Yeah right, like that happened.
4) I miss Al Borland.
5) Come closer so I can touch your asscunt.
Recorded 4/22/10 - Released 4/29/10
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